DIY Patterned Fabric Shorts. I had fun making these. :)
So I know this was more of a summer trend, and its fall now, but it turned out I needed to get a little more wear out of my shorts. The fashionable rips in these shorts were getting a little too big and I couldn’t use the pocket on one side, so I thought hey, I can fix this! I asked friends on Facebook and Instagram which fabric I should use, and the tribal pattern on won.
Here are some pictures along with how I remade my shorts. Super easy, and maybe you’ll be inspired to DIY/Patch/Snazzed up some short of your own. 😀
Hope y’all had a great weekend!

Cut the bottom of the belt-loop free, and then pint you fabric onto your you shorts. Remember the fold the edges under and pin that clean fold along the seams of your shorts.[/caption]

I’m not the best at writing down instructions, so if you have any questions, or would like me to be more detailed about the process please let me know. Also if you like the idea of me doing a video on this, let me know. 🙂