Painting Your Nails and Tips To Slimmer Looking Fingers
Hey Everyone! How was your Christmas?! 🙂 I hope it was wonderful and you got to spend it with people you love as well as enjoy some really great food!
So I just wanted to share with you a few pictures of my holiday nails! As well as kind of talk about my “nail” discovery this year. haha
I have to say, I was never much into painting my nails until this year. I use to not really like my hands, I thought they where kind of chubby and that painting them made them look funny. My fingers actually thinned out a little this year so I’ve been a little less self-conscious about them. Silly, I know. An interesting thing I discovered through, is that about 90% of my problem wasn’t my hands and having “unattractive” fingers, it was that I didn’t know how to properly style my nails. This year learned If I grew my nails a little longer (use to keep them really short) it would elongate the line of my fingers. I have never thought about it before, but it makes sense that this would make them seem thinner because you are visually evening out the proportions of you fingers to you’re hands this way if you have shorter fingers like me. Another problem that I didn’t understand was that I wasn’t picking out very good shades of nail polish for my skin tone. It’f like make up, some tones just don’t work. I use to try and wear this shiny black nail polish, but it didn’t go well with my and it just didn’t look good, I’m learning to be more careful about picking good colors that compliment the undertones in my skin now a days, and I have to say, I find it kind of fun now to paint my nails. Anyway, this isn’t the most interesting thing to read about, but I think about it, and it’s interesting that sometimes beauty styles and fashion things you’re insecure about (even seemingly little thing like this) can turn into something fun once you get a little more information and learn how to make whatever it is, work for you so that you feel snazzy in the end. haha 🙂
So what are some fashion trends or beauty things that you have been insecure about using in the past that you now love? Or what it something that you would like to try out, but aren’t sure about? I would love to hear! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by! Much love – @bby